Thursday, August 23, 2007

Where did she go ?

Help... Where did my daughter go...oh yea Middle School... The transition from elementary school to middle school is tough. Just ask the parents of a new middle schooler. The lessons I learned in college about the developmental changes of adolescents are of little comfort when its your own daughter making changes in her life. She is eleven going on eighteen. Yea yea yea you have all heard it before but whoa where did the time go ?
I'm trying to be a cool dad and youth minister but at the grand "old" age of 45 its tough sometimes, but at others it is a hilarious journey God has me on.
How can a little girl go from an innocent child to an all inquisitive girl in just FOUR days of middle school?
You laugh, just wait.. ie. do you and mommy "French" kiss ? I want a cell phone "everyone" has one, Help!!! whats a dad to do...LOL Well I am just trying to write a little about my great family and how great God is. Isaiah 26:3 says .. Thou wilt keep him (dads of preteen girls too) in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.
Thanks God for your peace....

1 comment:

Tamara said...

As a female that's gone through the 11 going on 18 thing and is now 18, I can't tell you it'll get any easier. But stick with it - with the guidance of her father, and her Heavenly Father, she'll grow into an amazing woman of God.

Be loving, always. She cares about what you think more than you know.